Module Hdfs

module Hdfs: sig .. end
Force the builder to always create a new instance of the FileSystem, rather than possibly finding one in the cache.

type int32_t = int 
type time_t = int 
type int64_t = int 
type uint16_t = int 
type tObjectKind = 
| KObjectKindFile
| KObjectKindDirectory
type tSize = int32_t 
type tTime = time_t 
type tOffset = int64_t 
type tPort = uint16_t 
type open_flags = 
type retcode = int 
type hdfsFS 
type hdfsFile 
type struct_3 = {
   mKind : tObjectKind;
   mName : string;
   mLastMod : tTime;
   mSize : tOffset;
   mReplication : int;
   mBlockSize : tOffset;
   mOwner : string;
   mGroup : string;
   mPermissions : int;
   mLastAccess : tTime;
type hdfsFileInfo = struct_3 
type params = {
   force_new_instance : bool; (*
* Set the HDFS NameNode to connect to. * *
   namenode : string option;
   port : int option; (*
The username to use when connecting to the HDFS cluster.
   user : string option; (*
The path to the Kerberos ticket cache to use when connecting to the HDFS cluster.
   krb_ticket_cache : string option;
val hdfsConnect : params -> hdfsFS
val hdfsGetWorkingDirectory : hdfsFS -> string
val default : params
val hdfsFileIsOpenForRead : hdfsFile -> bool
val hdfsFileIsOpenForWrite : hdfsFile -> bool
val hdfsConfGetStr : string -> string option
val hdfsConfGetInt : string -> int32_t
val hdfsDisconnect : hdfsFS -> unit
val hdfsOpenFile : hdfsFS ->
string -> open_flags list -> int -> int -> tSize -> hdfsFile
val hdfsCloseFile : hdfsFS -> hdfsFile -> unit
val hdfsExists : hdfsFS -> string -> bool
val hdfsSeek : hdfsFS -> hdfsFile -> tOffset -> unit
val hdfsTell : hdfsFS -> hdfsFile -> tOffset
val hdfsRead : hdfsFS -> hdfsFile -> string -> int
val hdfsRead_n : hdfsFS -> hdfsFile -> int -> string
val hdfsPread : hdfsFS -> hdfsFile -> tOffset -> string -> int
val hdfsPread_n : hdfsFS -> hdfsFile -> pos:int -> size:int -> string
val hdfsWrite : hdfsFS -> hdfsFile -> string -> tSize
val hdfsFlush : hdfsFS -> hdfsFile -> unit
val hdfsHFlush : hdfsFS -> hdfsFile -> unit
val hdfsHSync : hdfsFS -> hdfsFile -> unit
val hdfsAvailable : hdfsFS -> hdfsFile -> int
val hdfsCopy : hdfsFS -> string -> hdfsFS -> string -> unit
val hdfsMove : hdfsFS -> string -> hdfsFS -> string -> unit
val hdfsDelete : hdfsFS -> string -> bool -> unit
val hdfsRename : hdfsFS -> string -> string -> unit
val hdfsSetWorkingDirectory : hdfsFS -> string -> unit
val hdfsCreateDirectory : hdfsFS -> string -> unit
val hdfsSetReplication : hdfsFS -> string -> int -> unit
val hdfsListDirectory : hdfsFS -> string -> hdfsFileInfo array
val hdfsGetPathInfo : hdfsFS -> string -> hdfsFileInfo